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MADONNA’s Birthday : Un Anniversaire Nommé Amour…

Ajouté le 16/08/2012 à 9:53 par Madonna Electronica

Quel plus beau cadeau que l’amour d’un fan…Madonna, Vos Fans s’adressent à Vous, en toute simplicité. Merci à Tous pour votre participation Et Joyeux Anniversaire M !

Celebrate Madonna

Dear Madonna, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

I´m 37 years old fan from Spain and I´ve grown up with you. I had your album Like A Virgin when I was about 10 years old and since then your music has been the soundtrack of my life.
Keep on rocking forever, I cannot imagine my life without your songs. It´s just amazing how you keep on being so gorgeous through the years!

Thanks for your music, your shows and your inspiration!!!

No matter how many artists try to be like you, you are the 1st and the only one, all the rest are just a cheap copy.

There won´t be anyone like you EVER.



Chère Madonna,

C’est en ce beau jour que je te souhaite un très bon anniversaire. Mais l’amour que j’ai pour toi n’a pas d’âge ni de limites.

Tu es entré dans ma vie au moment où j’en avais le plus besoin. Je ne te remercierai jamais assez pour tout le bonheur que tu apportes dans ma vie.

Je voudrais profiter également de ce jour pour te dire à quel point je t’aime et je sais que je ne suis pas le seul.

Tu es un « rayon de lumière » pour nous… Et cette lumière ne s’éteindra jamais.

Happy Birthday Madonna & I Love You So Very Much From The Bottom Of My Heart ♥♥♥

Julien Turpin

J’ai 21 ans et habite Roanne (Loire) entre Lyon et St-Etienne.

Je suis fan de Madonna depuis…toujours !!!

Hi Madonna

I wish you a happy birthday.

I want to say that you make my life better till you begin singing

My life begin with the song of « Holiday » and « Like A Virgin » .

I have a hope in my life, see you and drink a champagne cup with you, it’s a dream for me but dream become reality.

I was born the 13/08/1959 and the day of my birth i think about you and i want to say to you , be the same girl and continue to make my, our life better.

Again happy birthday and i love you, you’re the best

Best kisses


Actually, I have 36 years old.

Since my 10 years old……yesterday……. today………tomorrow ……..and for ever ……….you are a part of my life.

All of my Love (x)……….

Ingrid (France)

Thanx 4 moving me and being my daily source of energy since 1985.

Thanx 4 being the sun in my sky for 27 years.

Thanx 4 sticking by me through all these years!!!

Bon anniversaire & long live the Queen!

Stéphane, Paris

Madonna… J’ai tant de choses à te dire… Tout d’abord je te souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire!!! Avec des milliers de bisous et que de belles choses pour toi pour cette nouvelle année!
Je suis fan depuis que j’ai 12 ans et j’ai 41 ans aujourd’hui et mon amour pour toi est encore plus grand et fort. J’ai grandi avec toi, traversé la vie avec toi. Tu as toujours été là dans mes joies et mes douleurs et toi seule peux mettre des mots sur mes maux.

Je t’aime Madonna et je t’aimerai toujours! Tu es la seule, l’unique, The Queen!

Take care of you.

Mélanie Chailleux.

Happy B-Day Madonna!!!!

Depuis Dress You Up (j’avais 6 ans !!!), je suis une grande admiratrice!!!

Au départ, du haut de mes 6 ans, j’admirais la jolie jeune femme blonde, habillée en « punkette » et qui chantait des tubes… Puis, j’ai grandis avec Madonna… Chaque album, chaque chanson a rythmé ma vie. Quand j’étais à l’école primaire, on chantait La Isla Bonita à tue-tête avec les copines… Puis un peu plus tard, au collège Like A Prayer (un de mes albums préférés). Puis l’inoubliable Blond Ambition Tour (il avait été diffusé sur Antenne 2….lol) que j’avais enregistré sur une VHS et que j’ai regardé jusqu’à ce que la bande soit usée…. Vogue: magistral; puis le temps du Lycée avec Erotica et Bedtime Story. Pendant les études supérieures, c’était le fabuleux Ray Of Light!!!!! Music pour ma 1ère fille, et American Life pour mon mariage et là….enfin, le 4 septembre 2004, je la vois enfin en « vrai » à Bercy!!!! J’ai pleuré quand elle est arrivée sur scène…. Hung Up, l’arrivée de ma 2ème fille….

Depuis, j’ai eu la chance de la voir 6 fois: dont le 26 juillet à l’Olympia…. Moment magique, gravé à jamais dans ma mémoire!!!!

Adulte aujourd’hui, j’ai de fabuleux souvenirs et j’admire désormais une artiste accomplie qui est arrivée là où elle est aujourd’hui à force de volonté et de travail acharné. Une force incroyable se dégage de cette femme et plus le temps passe et plus je l’admire.

Bravo et merci pour tout ce bonheur et ces moments magiques!!!

Bon anniversaire, longue vie à la Reine !!!!!

Nelly Dubuit, Decize, France

La Madone mérite une journée exceptionnelle pour son Anniversaire.

Vous faites tellement de choses énormes pour nous, je suis de tout de coeur avec tous vos amis et votre famille pour faire la fête avec vous, même si c’est de très loin :-)))).

Le 16 août est pour moi une journée unique, juste pour MADONNA.

Vous êtes tellement forte, belle, magique et sensuelle que rien ne peut vous arrêter et je trouve ça SUPER !

Malgré les gens qui ne parlent pour ne rien dire, vous êtes et vous resterez la REINE.

Depuis votre venue au Stade de France, je suis toujours sur un petit nuage, encore une fois vous m’avez fait rêver :-). J’ai trouvé ça une fois de plus Magique.

Merci Beaucoup. Restez comme vous êtes.

Je vous aime <3 <3 <3

Joyeux Anniversaire, profitez de cette journée.

Je vous embrasse fort.

Mlle Marie Charlotte, 26 Ans, Frencq, France.


J’ai 16 ans et j’adore votre personnalité, votre histoire et votre musique, vous êtes une réelle inspiration pour moi comme pour beaucoup,

Don’t stop!

Elise, Paris

Joyeux anniversaire ma reine <3 !!!!!!

tu es ma reine, tu es mon coeur, tu es ma joie, tu es de tout ce que j’ai besoin, j’ai ton visage partout (dans ma tête, dans ma chambre, sur mon Facebook, tout !).

je suis ton plus grand fan. je suis impatient de te voir quand tu es en tournée ! ma belle ciccone

je t’ai tout de suite aimée quand je t’ai regardée (j’avais même pas 1 an j’en ai 12, ma maman m’a transmis ton image)

Tu m’inspires, tu M’aspires, tu me fascines, tu me rends fou et je t’aime plus que tout !

j’habite Arras en FRANCE

Théo Guffond (12 ans)


Happy birthday to You, my dear Queen !

Your music and your personality have inspired and enlightened my life since « Into The Groove ».

You are a woman with strengh, fun, joy, happiness. But you are also like a guide to me and it’s great to grow up with you and to listen to all your messages.

Be sure your fans will always stand by you, and cherish you.


Beatrice Guenard-Salaun

Paris, France

« Happy birthday to you Madonna,

Merci de me faire vibrer à chaque annonce d’une nouvelle tournée,

Merci de me faire vivre une journée inoubliable quand je sais que je vais te voir,

Merci pour tout le bonheur que tu me donnes à chacun de tes concerts,

Merci de me faire rêver depuis toutes ces années,

Tu es incontestablement et définitivement la Reine.

Never stop, We love you »

Magali, Liège, Belgium (golden circle Bxl, 12.07.2012, soundcheck magnifique et inoubliable)

« Happy birthday to you Madonna,

Thank you for making me thrill at each announcement of a new tour,

Thank you for making me live an unforgettable day when I know I’m going to see you,

Thank you for all the happiness you give me at evry one of your concerts,

Thank you for making me dream since all these years,

You are undoubtedly and definitively the Queen.

Never stop, we love you”

Happy birthday to you my superstar madonna . makes me dream for a long time . you are so beautiful . I hope ONE DAY you will live in france and sing in french .kissssss

you are the best in the world .


Madonna, je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire pour tes 54 ans et je te dis mille merci !!!!! pour tout le bonheur que tu nous procures depuis toutes ces années à travers tes chansons, tes concerts, tes films…..tu es la reine de la pop, je suis fan de toi depuis mes 14 ans et j’en ai 41. tu es super quand tu chantes en français!!!!! J’espère que tu vas continuer à nous faire vibrer encore et encore… » i love you madonna »

Fabienne, de Liège, en Belgique

Merci Madonna 25 ans que je t’admire tu es un amour avec un grand A !! tu es la meilleure continue à nous faire vivre tes rêves à travers ta musique… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADONNA ♥♥

Christel d’Hénin-Beaumont

My spirit’s mother since I discovered you in 1986 !! Love listening your messages because it’s always a glorification for Life !! To hear and see you give me such a positive energy ! Thanx Madonna ! Happy Birthday !!

Céline from Quétigny, France.



Madonna, une seule chose à dire, je t’aime !

Aline, Nandy

Joyeux anniversaire Madonna j’espère que tu passes une très bonne tournée mondiale et continue à être aussi resplendissente et énergique sur le show!!!!!LUV!!!!!

Anthony Coinde

Joyeux anniversaire tu as été, tu es et tu resteras à jamais mon idole, ma STAR » et pour moi la seule » .

N’étant pas croyant mon seul dieu c’est toi c’est vrai c’est fort mais c’est comme ça, quand dans ma vie rien ne va, les coups dur les peines de coeur je te regarde en vidéo ou j’écoute une musique de toi et c’est reparti .

Des millions de kiss kiss xxx

Jean Nadin. Lorient.

La première fois que je t’ai vu et entendu j’avais 5 ans et depuis tu as toujours été présente dans les bons comme dans les mauvais moments, ta force, ta musique m’ont touché à tout jamais et m’ont permis de me relever, d’avancer, m’ont fait vibrer ; ta voix me fait du bien à l’âme c’est inexplicable… tu nous transmets tellement grâce à ta musique c’est extraordinaire!!! Amazing Madonna !!! Queen of Music, Queen of the world with the most beautiful voice in the world and beautiful Soul la plus belle des femmes dans tous les sens du terme, exemple de générosité et sincérité. Mon rêve se réalise chaque fois que j’ai la chance de te voir en concert MILLE MERCI !!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADONNA !!!!!!

Déborah Bourdenet, from Nice, France.



C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion que je viens te souhaiter un merveilleux anniversaire.

Merci pour tout le bonheur que tu m’apportes et pour toutes ces belles années et celles à venir…

AU fil des

Je t’aimerai toujours Madonna

Alain Laurent André Ruggirello

Dear M,

My name’s Pamela but Guy O. calls me ‘Justify My Love’ because he fell in love with my tattoo I guess.

I’ve been a loyal and devoted french fan since I was 8 y.o. I’m now 35 and my love for you grows stronger and stronger.

There are so many things I should thank you for. I think I can say you’ve saved my life a few times but also you’ve taught me so much throughout the years !

The most important thing of all is Tolerance with a capital T.

Among other things, I’ve learned to be true to myself and the people around me and to express myself. I’ve learned not to be afraid of who I was. I’ve learned that being a woman doesn’t mean you have to get married to a man and have children and take care of the house.

Thanks to you, I grew up knowing that being gay was not a disease or weird or abnormal. I grew up thinking that it was all about love. And when I first saw the video of Justify My Love, and saw you kissing another woman, I wasn’t afraid of what I felt. I just thought ‘ok, well, I’m just different’ and I accepted it so easily. I owe it all to you.

I’m very proud to be a fan of the one and only Queen. I feel really blessed to have been one of the lucky few to see you at the Olympia Theatre. I had the time of my life and I’m grateful for that. I hope what happened afterwards won’t keep you from doing it again.

So, dear Majesty, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very Happy Birthday. I hope this day will be full of joy and love.

Thank you for everything.

Your eternal fan,


« And the beat goes on

You’re a happy girl

It’s your birthday song

In your happy world

We know it’s gonna be a good day

Oh yeah today it’s your birthday »



Lille France A « 

Message d’amour pour l’anniversaire de Madonna,

Madonna, je ne t’aime pas… je t’adore, toi la femme caméléon, fatale, touchante, pleine d’humour, une grande sensibilité, un don inné et travaillé, le génie en diamant pur.

Ma rencontre avec toi fut lorsque je gagnais un concours pour venir en direct participer à une émissiion d’une radio locale d’une petite ville, moi toute jeune ado très impressionnée, l’animatrice nous fit découvrir une jeune femme qui allait être : une superstar, le titre Everybody, le coup de coeur…! mon argent de poche en main j’allais de suite chez le disquaire acheter ton premier album, et depuis tu fais partie de ma vie. Ma famille, amis ou connaissances savent que mon amour est immence pour toi et dès qu’ils t’entendent …pense à Sandra… Seule dans ma chambre ado remplie de posters, je dansais, chantais et suis devenue très bonne en Anglais!

Tu m’as aidée à surmonter mes peines lors de moments très difficiles de ma vie par ta musique ou vidéos… puis aussi grace à toi j’ai passé des soirées de folie! Tu es comme un membre de ma famille, tu comptes énormément pour moi pas un jour sans toi… plus tard j’ai eu le bonheur de te voir sur scène telle une déesse qui apparait : un rêve éveillé… tu as su toujours changer ton univers musical, ton apparence, défendu des grandes causes, tu es la star, la Maman généreuse et protectrice.

une vraie perfectionniste qui donne tout pour nous : faisant de gros sacrifices. Tu es un modèle,  tu es toujours bien entourée pour dessiner des sourires sous nos lèvres et faire briller des étoiles dans les yeux. L’Olympia je n’y étais pas mais tu m’as touchée énormément par ta mise en scène théatralisée en l’honneur de notre culture.

Pour mon anniversaire mes enfants m’achètent un CD, Dvd de toi pour aggrandir ma collection, je te souhaite de tout mon coeur un très bon anniversaire ; que le bonheur que tu nous donnes rayonne sur toi et ceux qui te sont chers… les années passent et le temps glisse sur toi, tu es très belle et au top.

Une goutte de champagne derrière l’oreille gauche et ferme les yeux avant de souffler tes bougies que ton souhait se réalise… je t’embrasse, affectueusement.

Sandra, Perros-Guirec


photo (10)

Jean-Marc, Nice

Depuis 1985, date où je t’ai découverte, je n’ai cessé de t’apprécier, de vouloir te découvrir. Je t’écoute tout les jours. J’aime tes concerts, te voir à l’Olympia à été magique.

C’est grâce à toi que j’ai rencontré ma ‘moitié’! Continue à nous faire vibrer, à nous faire rêver le plus longtemps possible!

Bon Anniversaire!

Conflans St Honorine

Hi Madonna,

I want to say thank you for all that you’ve done for us…

You are in my heart, my mind and in my soul for all the time.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope you’ll find it and be able to live with yourself in peace.

Love u.



Mon idole, une icône, la Reine de la Pop

Tu es dans mon coeur depuis la début de ta carrière

et cela ne cessera en aucun cas !

Continue à nous faire vibrer encore longtemps.

Tes fans aiment çà et seront toujours là !

Tu es la meilleure, je t’aime ma Madonna adorée !

Je te souhaite un bon et joyeux anniversaire

Mille Bisous à toi L.U.V MADONNA

Patricia 62210 AVION

Hi my name is alexandra, from france, dammartin en goele(77)

i’m very happy for you that you have a beautiful carreer! You are so beautiful!!

For me you are

M like MDMA, you’re my drug for every day…

A like Anyone: you are Not like anyone, you are just you and we, all fans, we love you for what you are

D like Dance, everytime i hear your songs

O like Open your heart, to us, to the world for it going better

N like Nobody knows me, who are the journalists to blame you everytime they want only to break you down!! yaeh don’t care what the people say!

N like New, you seems new with every news album you make, better and better everytime…!

A like Another year!!very happy birthday!

i love you!

Madonna’s Birthday :

Si je ne devais lui dire qu’un mot, si de moi elle ne devait retenir qu’une parole, ce serait : « Merci »

Madonna m’a en quelque sorte sauvé la vie, elle l’a changé et aujourd’hui je lui doit tout, mon souffle, les battements de mon cœur et mon amour pour la vie. Je me suis relever en écoutant cette femme qui a tant de force.

Elle est pour moi la seule qui compte, cette femme est la maîtresse du monde et celle de mon coeur. La perfection n’existe pas mais elle est celle qui s’en rapproche le plus.

Quand je la vois, je l’entend, j’ai juste les yeux qui brillent, les poils qui se dressent, le souffle coupé, je vibre au seul son de sa voix.

C’est la femme la plus puissante du monde, la plus belle, la plus sexy, la plus forte, la plus osée, elle a révolutionné ce monde ! 54 ans et plus de 30 de chansons, mais elle y ai arrivé, elle l’a fait, elle dit ce qu’elle avait à dire dénoncer ce qu’il y avait à dénoncer, et elle est là… Je ne peux que l’admirer.

On est là, tous ensemble pour elle, pour la célébrer une fois de plus car elle a, sans le savoir, changé la vie de millions de personnes.

C’est Madonna, il n’y a pour moi aucune explication, c’est la meilleure.

C’est l’amour de ma vie quoi qu’en pense les autres, depuis 5 ans il n’y a quelle qui soit ancrée si profond en moi, je l’ai dans le sang.

Je l’aime, quoi qu’il arrive. Alors voilà, merci mon amour, et bon anniversaire.

Chloé, Lyon.



Luv you mi queen

Happy birthday and i wish you a very good day

This day, is your day!

Thanks a lot for your inspiration a your talent

Stay connected with your fan, it’s the simple life, it’s the realy life!

Kiss M

Emmanuelle Cegarra

1987: J’avais 12 ans, c’était l’été et tout le monde ne parlait que de ça : le phénomène Madonna… je ne comprennais pas encore vraiement pourquoi! La isla bonita, who’s That girl sur toutes les radios… Le concert au parc des sceaux, la culotte, la bise à Chirac … Et il y a eu pour moi surtout la révélation … Celle du 31 août 1987 … Son premier concert à Nice, mon premier grand concert, devant 56 000 personnes en délire… Je suis resté sous le choc… Une tornade venait de m’emporter en même temps que les dernières notes du Who’s That Girl Tour… Je devenais  fan (mais pas fanatique) ! Quel show ! Quel présence scénique … J’en étais même à être jaloux du jeune garçon qui dansait avec elle …

Ensuite … Mon père m’a offert mon 1er cd « True Blue », que j’ai écouté jusqu’à l’user ! Quel joie de vivre… Les clips à couper le souffle, les tubes qui s’enchaînent … Les prestations toujours extraordinaires au MTV Music Awards….

La bombe Like A Prayer, le clip qui fait scandale, Dick tracy … Et surtout le Blond Ambition Tour et le concert de clôture de sa tournée mondiale à Nice … Une interprétation de Like A Virgin, Express Yourself, Vogue qui marque encore ma mémoire!  Le meilleur de Madonna!  Et puis je suis interviewé par Julien Lepers par rapport à la Madone! Je vais faire un tennis au cap d’antibes … Je m’arrête quelques minutes a l’entrée de l’Eden roc  d’ANTIBES où une foule l’attends depuis plusieurs jours et la voiture de la reine passe à côté de moi… Prête à aller enflammer les marches du festival de Cannes, en bustier Jean-Paul Gaultier …

Puis il y a eu Erotica, Sex, la dent en or chez Anne Sinclair… Bedtime Stories que je déteste … Evita le triomphe… Le Drowned World Tour après des heures de queue devant Bercy sous une chaleur accablante… Des problèmes de clim… Les gens qui tombent dans les pommes devant moi les uns derrière les autres… Un concert froid … Je rentre à Nice … J’allume la radio … Je gagne un jeu NRJ et je repars la voir à Londres et là rien à voir le concert est extra !

La résurrection « Ray Of lLght »… Je gagne encore un concours NRJ et passe plus d’une heure avec elle dans les salons privés de l’hôtel Crillon, pour une interview européenne … Quel regard, quelle intelligence, quel humour, quel sens de l’observation du moindre détail  …  Elle me demande ce que je fais dans la vie et si je suis heureux … Ce n’est pas une star sur son piédestal qui est face à moi et qui me pose des questions… Je comprends d’où vient sa force et comment elle réussit à conquérir le monde … Juste en croisant son regard ! Je veux lui faire la bise, elle me regarde en rigolant et me demande si j’ai amené du chocolat comme le candidat belge … Je lui dis que la maison de disque me l’a interdit et me dit dans un éclat de rire « alors baise main » ! Quel moment incroyable ! Un autographe « For Michael love Madonna », une photo et des souvenirs inoubliables ….

Puis l’excitation d’entendre pour la première fois « Music » à Londres … Les filles en chapeau de cowboy dans les rues … American Life … Le baiser avec Britney et Christina qui fait sensation… The Re-Invention Tour à Paris beau et incroyable !

Puis l’exceptionnel « Confssions On A Dance Floor » et la tournée qui suit … Ou Madonna nous donne le meilleur d’elle même… En symbiose avec son public… une interprétation phénoménale de « Like A Prayer » dans les airs, un « La Isla Bonita » ou un « Erotica » revisté qui déchire …

Un Hard Candy décevant … Le Sticky & Sweet Tour à Nice et au Stade de France qui parfois nous laisse stoïques, parfois nous envoûte… La même tournée à Bercy un an plus tard hallucinant, avec une Ciccone déchaînée …

MDNA un bon album mais lancé dans des conditions déplorables en terme de promo… et un plan de com’ complètement raté … Live Nation ou le summum de l’incompétence, des places à prix exorbitant qui la prive d’un nouveau public (les plus jeunes qui n’ont pas les moyens) … Mais il faut reconnaître que Le concert du 14 juillet dernier à Paris était … Incroyable par l’énergie, la voix … deux heures de show intenses et extraordinaires  …  On a l’impression que tout est en acceleré… Sans temps mort (pas assez d’ailleurs pour que le public puisse exprimer tout son bonheur), mais une foule en transe pendant « Like A Prayer ». Il manque juste un « Holiday » ou  un « Music » pour que ça soit l’appothéose … Et là j’attends avec impatience la dernière date européenne de la Ciccone encore à Nice mardi prochain …

Tu es la seule à pouvoir proposer un tel show, donner un tel plaisir, à nous faire vibrer!  La magie opère toujours…

Continues de nous surprendre et à être proche de ton public!

Tu fais partie de ma et notre vie: joyeux anniversaire Madonna !

« For MADONNA, love Michael »


madonna autographe michael 54th birthday

Your Madgesty, I would like to thank YOU for what you did for us during all these years… Not only through your music which made me dance so many times in my life, but also for your fights for love and tolerance. I’m gay and you did so much for us, for our integration in society or against AIDS. And if sometimes you feel that you only get hate back, think of all the people in the world who LOVE YOU and keep on fighting! I give you all my love…

Cedric – Nîmes (France)

Dear M, you saved my life! I can’t say it in our words… I fight against a bad disease for many years now, and in the darkest hours of my life I always thought “Fight! Because you don’t want to miss what Madonna‘s gonna do next!!” and it’s the entire truth! So please, keep on doing your thing, LOVE,

Christophe – Rennes (France)

Dear Madonna.

I began to like you when i was around 9 years old because i saw you on TV and was attracted by your originality…

I remember that for one of my birthdays, i got the vinyl of Like A Virgin and a child singer one (the same year!); thanks to my parents for that!

Once, when i was around 12-13 years old, i heard my parents saying that i was a fan of you « just because she’s provocative and puts her clothes off everytime »… I went into the room screaming: « NO! You don’t understand anything! I love Madonna because she’s free! She doesn’t care about what people think about her and i want to be like her!! »

Few years after, i read in an interview that you care about what people think, but decided that it will not stop you; even if it hurts sometimes.

Since this day, i try to follow that simple rule; thanks to you for that!

« This is who i am… » 😉

I grew up and you’ve been always in my ears…vinyls, cassettes, then CDs.

Every year, for Christmas and for my birthday, you were at the top of my wish list!

You always was a part of my celebrations! Yeah!

Now i’m 34 years old and i can’t wait to see you in my city, Québec, for the first time on september 1st 2012!!!

You are in my head.

You are in my ears.

I’m sharing your love with everybody for a long time now.

You are in my heart.

You are a part of who i am; thanks to you!

I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I wish you love, all the love of the world; you deserve it and knows very well how to share it!

Continue to have fun…and be happy; everyday!


Québec city

P.S. Sorry for my english writing; i’m a french canadian…lol 😉

Juste un petit message pour te dire que je t’aime comme l’amie que je n’ai jamais eue et qui me suit tous les jours dans les bons et les mauvais moments.

Merci d’exister.


Sèvres (92)

Ma chère Madonna,

Demain est un jour exceptionnel. Cette date est gravée depuis que ma vie a croisé la tienne, depuis 1984 et depuis je te suis, je t’aime et tu es pour moi un modèle de femme, belle, indépendante, femme d’affaires, en bref une super girl. Moi et les autres fans nous nous joignons pour qu’un choeur de nos voix s’élèvent toutes en coeur afin de te chanter happy birthday to yo’u. Tu es et tu seras toujours la number one, nulle autre chanteuse ne t’égale ! Alors je finirai par je t’aime tout simplement.

Alexandra de Lunéville 54300

You know, I am still following you since the beginning in spite of the tops and the bottoms

Now, I cannot make without you and your art.

Without you I shall have an enormous lack.

Whatever you make even if I do not still agree or even if I do not like with the same intensity, I remain your mother fucker fan.


Love you for ever and ever

Vincent, Arras (the North France)

Madonna has deeply influenced the point of view of millions of women, men and sexual minority by making her life an example of freedom and independence for almost 30 years, she’s a positive guide concerning fashion, dance and art. In her lyrics , she encourages people to take their destiny in charge and to be strong.

Love peace and freedom for everybody !

Jérémy Lubrano Lavadera

Brignoles France

I was born on the 8th anniversary of Everybody and the year of Vogue. My first memory is Ray Of Light, I didn’t know the song or the singer but I felt like the song was spreading and warming the whole world, like it was unique and every one on this Earth was hearing the song all the time. Then in 2004, I began to listen to music more than before, and I saw this video on the TV, with my grand-mother, I was fascinated, I didn’t understand the lyrics, I didn’t know the song’s title or singer’s name but I was hypnotized, mesmerized, really charmed. It was Love Profusion. Then when I came to high school, everyone was talking about Hung Up, Sorry, Get Together and Jump. I saw the first diffusion of Hung Up video on French TV (I finally knew Your name : MADONNA, remained ever since and for ever in my memory), and when You came to Star Academy and sang Hung Up and Get Together. I was so impressed. I was offerred Confessions On A Dance Floor by my aunt, very fan of you MADONNA, she went to Your Confessions Tour at Bercy, but I didn’t listen to the album right there. The night where French TV diffused The Confessions Tour was THE Night. I didn’t remember who put this channel, but one more time (and not the last) I was enchanted… When it was La Isla Bonita, my father told me ‘it’s one of her most famous songs’. I was impressed and proud he knows about You! Then I looked for buying tickets for Your Confessions Tour (I didn’t know it was too late and I was very disappointed, like I missed a very important thing)… Later on this 2007 year (I already knew all Your classics), I listened to the Beat Goes On demo, and I loved it, then with the Hard Candy era, the Big Adventure began, I’ve been a fan and I will ever be… Starting my collection, listening everyday to You… I knew April, 25th that Hard Candy was released, so I run to buy it the day after, in the morning. It’s always to this record that I refer.

I didn’t know you were coming to the Olympia in 2008, I realized months later what I missed and felt really bad. My father bought me a ticket for your first Stade de France, I felt really blessed and so happy. I couldn’t restrained my emotions… Then I had this wonderful chance to see your new show at Bercy in 2009 summer, I was waiting for hours and I was stucked to the stage on the right side of the runway, just when you disappeared from Vogue, and appeared for Into The Groove, magic moments… You were so close to me… Then there was the Stade de France 2012! I couldn’t find a word to define how I was feeling… And I couldn’t buy tickets for the Olympia, there was to many people on the website, I’ve never seen that. I cried hours during before the show I was really hurt and disappointed in myself, like I was doing something wrong, I felt being a very bad fan. But I had the chance to see You on youTube and it was a magical moment, forever in my mind! I loved everything, especially Beautiful Killer. What a song! I was hurt by what happened afterwards, all these stupid criticisms… I adored your reply message and I support You in every thing You do, I admire You for so many things but your position and messages to the world for great causes touches me particularly. I dislike so much putin, ahmadinejad, the lepens, palin, mugabe, and all dictators… It’s never good to make enemies but some politicians shouldn’t be allowed to say horribles things they say.

Last year I offered Bedtimes Stories and 4 Minutes (maxi-single) to my little brother to make him discovered your music, and then this year I went to see him the day he told me he fell in love with a boy years ago, so he might be bi, and he was scared and had the feeling of disappointing the whole family, fortunately my parents and I reassured him. I talked him about Give Me All Your Luvin’ and he told me that he already knew it! And loved it! I was proud 🙂 Then I wanted to make him discover some songs I love and he just told me ‘I already know and like Beat Goes On, Revolver…’ Wow! But I made him discover Inside Of Me (it always makes me remember about my grand-mother, gone in 2010), and the rapped verses of American Life and Mother And Father. Then for his 18th birthday, May 24th,I offered him MDNA (the Deluxe edition) and Girl Gone Wild!. My mother was one of your biggest first fans, she bought True Blue and Who’s That Girl LPs!!!! When she gave it to me, it was like a miracle, an incredibly precious gift. It was kept in her child house in Britanny (You should visit and shoot a video there =) or one for Masterpiece shot in the Louvre!) and now these are in Paris with me! Then my mother adored Hung Up and Sorry! She always sang the French sentence and danced in night-club! She’s 47 🙂

To me, adoption is something I don’t question about, it’s just usual, two of my aunts have adopted children, in France and Haïti, and another one has been trying. It’s something common in our family. That’s why I was so much hurt when I hear some awful things about it… I loved your reply and it was like a simple thing, something obvious. Like an example to follow. You are an example for everyone, no matter the age, the sex, the color, the sexual preference, the weight, the religion, you are an example leading to a better life, you are a friend, always here to solace, you are a Queen, that we all love to worship. You’re more than a Queen, you’re an Impress, a Goddess of Pop, a Goddess of all the Musics in The Universe and Beyond! Nothing, no one can or will destruct everything you made and built through all these years. You’re a model to everyone, cause after all, Jesus was the greatest personnality of the first millenary and You are the greatest personnality of the second millenary and of the 12 first years of the third!

I love your music, your messages and I also love your movies! As an actress You’re wonderful and truly moving… I hope to see You soon in a movie and maybe in Childrens Hospital, I would love it! You were amazing in Will & Grace 😉 I was present at the premiere of Filth And Wisdom in Paris and it was really too short 🙂 Then I watched it so many times in DVD, When I saw W.E. It was amazing, I cried and dreamed that night. You are a dream! I feel very blessed at each and every thing You do, every concert, every song, every movie, I feel blessed to be one of your fans. I feel inspired by You MADONNA, I’m writing songs for a few years, some for You, and the last is called ‘Indestructible’, I also design clothes (I’m in a fashion school in Paris, 3rd year, ESMOD), I remember designing a corset and rayskin thigh boots for You.

I met my boyfriend thanks to You because I was looking for a rmix of Celebration he made, and we went to W.E. and Stade de France 2012 together. He offered me so much from You. Thank You.

I hope You will sing Everybody October, 6th, in San Jose, for the 30th anniversary of Everybody and my 22nd. I loved so much the t-shirt that Lourdes wore ‘legalize gay marriage’ and I hope as You said so, that You will be President. This week I will shave my hair with ‘MDNA’ on the right side. When I’ll have a daughter, I’ll call her Madonna. I hope You’ll have a great, fantastic, unforgettable day, with Your 4 children, Your man, Your family, Your dancers… I wish You a XTRA SPECIAL WONDERFUL MAGNIFICIENT BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish You everything the whole world can give You, only Happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Je Te souhaite un MERVEILLEUX ET MAGNIFIQUE ANNIVERSAIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Je Te souhaite tout ce que le monde entier peut T’apporter, que du Bonheur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Aurélien, Paris <3



Dear Madonna,

It was in 1985 that something beyond extraordinnary happened to me.
Something powerful, something that gave me hope, something that put a smile on my face, something that was going to change my life for ever.
Something that told me: I was not on my own….that if I fall I could get up again, that music would make the world go round.
Something that expressed my deepest/hidden/shameful emotions and it was telling me that it was ok to feel this because its human nature.
You were my lucky star and from the first moment I heard you I knew you were gonna make everything all right.

I was 12 and I have just run away from home where I felt miserable. My parents just kept pushing my love over the bordeline.
My friend ,Sabine, at school gave me your tape. She said:’ I am sure you are going to like her’
She was wrong it was love at first ‘hearing’. Me, my walkman, wandering at night aimlessly and you singing in my headphone. I felt alive and understood for the first time.
I am not going to cry anymore, I know it. And I kept on walking with hope.

I eventually went back home, feeling somehow stronger. I had my secret weapon: YOU. I felt invicible. Nothing can hurt me now.
It was time for the good time, just one day out of life, it would be so nice. We can turn this world around, put your troubles down, its time to celebrate….we have got to get together….
I knew then I was hooked!

Fast forward 6 months later when I had my first big crush at school: Laurent, we were in the same classroom. He was a punk….it was a physical attraction, a chemical reaction.
I couldnt fight the way I feel, crazy and when he smile, it just makes me want him more and more…maybe we were meant to be together eventhough we never met before. It was a physical attraction, and then he kissed me…it was a sweet chemical reaction…few weeks of happiness and he seemed he was losing interest
and I told him, you better think of me, you are going to lose me if you don’t. If you dont want to see me, walk out the door.

Break up/ tears/drama, first heartache! Holiday and Everybody saved me. Let the DJ shake you, let the music take you. Feel the beat and step inside, you can turn your trouble upside down. Eventually I healed and then I played the material girl….Cause the boy with the hard cash is always Mister Right…until I met Michel….When I look into his eyes this is what I see, I see so much confusion and its killing me….shoo be doo be doo oh lalala….I can see you’ve been hurt before but dont compare them to me…come to me baby. I did not know how lost I was until I met him, he made me feel shiny and new, when his heart beat next to mine. He was so fine and he was mine until Beatrice came along, she was a keen cyclist and so was he. He’s a pretender… I hid in the bus on the way back home when I saw them holding hands. Heart broken for the second time, I hung my head low back home, burying my head in the pillow and crying. Love dont live here anymore!

Next plan, work hard at school, no more boyfriends and dance…Hurry up hurry up I ‘ve got to do it now, I can’t be late, you tried to criticise my drive if I lose I dont feel paralyse Its not the game its how you play and if I fall I get up again over and over.

Music can be such a revelation, dancing around you feel a sweet temptation, I hope this feeling never ends tonight. And when I am dancing and I feel this free, At night I lock the door when no one can see me, I am tired of dancing by myself, tonight I want dance with someone else…Get into the groove, boy you’ve got to prove your love to me, I am going to dress you up in my love, all over your body. Feel the silky touch of my caresses, they will keep you looking so brand new. I’ll create a look that’s made for you.

I am now 14, and I can’t stand my parents…. I fell in love again…and I tell my Papa don’t preach, I am in trouble deep I’ve been losing  sleep….He is French and he is not muslim. I have made up my mind I am keeping my baby. Daddy daddy if you could only see just how good he’s been treating me you give us your blessing right now cause we are in love. Open your heart to me, one is such a lonely number. Its not that hard if you just turn that key…Nothing can stop me from trying. Get up stand tall put your back against the wall cause my love is dangerous..if you are not ready to give you are not going to get much more….This time you are gonna have to play my way, com’on make my day. I’ve had other guys, I ve looked in to their eyes but I never knew love before until you walked through my door… I’ve had other lips, i’ve sailed a thousand are the one for me cause this is true love, you are the one I am dreming of. Your hear fits me like a glove True blue baby I love you. I’ve heard all the lies, I’ve cried oh so many times, those tears drop they wont fall again I am so excited cause you are my best friend. No more sadness I kiss it goodbye, the sun is bursting right out of the sky. You are the one I am dreaming of. Love makes the world go round. And when the samba played….the sun will set so high….your spanish lullabyI fell in love with San Pedro…te dio te amo…i prayed that the day will last they went so fast. I want to be where the sun warm the sky….when a girl loves a boy and a boy loves a girl….

And then he left me…. sometimes it gets so hard to hide it well i was not ready for the fall too blind to see the writing on the wall…a man can tell a thousand lies, ive learned my lesson well, it will burn inside of me…the truth is never far behind you kept it hidden well…if I run away i never had the strengh to go very far how would they hear the beating of my heart…

And you came back to brighten my life with who’s that girl…you tried to get away but you can’t…we wasting time make up your mind…it doesnt matter if you win or lose its how you play the game….I hope you find what you are looking for….I’ve got the move baby you’ve got the motion if we get together we can cause a commotion.

And then there was no where to hide no where to go from the look of love…and all the book I’ve read never taugh me how to let go.

And then I met HIM, the equivalent of the 1929 crash….Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone, I hear you call my name and it feels like home when he calls my name, its like a little prayer….I had to express myself to respect myself …dont want to go for a second best….put your love to the test….make him express how he feels so that you know that his love is real. 2nd best is never enough you do much better on your own….I told him: it is not a love song! Don’t give me one of your line. My love is not blind. Embrasse moi pour la derniere fois…luck is running out of time, he is not in love with me any more….the bruises they will fade away…you hit so hard with the things you say…until death do us apart…I promise to try but it feels like a lie. Dont let memory playing with your mind. Cherish…I take a chance in telling you I want more than just  romance…dear jessie, pink elephant and lemonade, hear the laughter running through the love parade…close your eyes and you will be there.

its funny that way you can get use to the tears and the pain, what a child would beleive, you never loved me, you cant hurt me now, ive got away from you i never thought I would…ive never felt so good by myself…if you’ve never wanted to hurt me why am i running away? maybe someday when i look back i would be able to say you did not mean to be cruel somebody hurt you too.

Thank god for my family they saved me then……ive got brothers i ve got sisters too…keep it together in the family…they hold the key to your heart to your soul dont forget that your family is gold. They are a reminder of your history.

He’s a man, why do you have to save the human race? you are a man with a gun in your hand. Sooner or later you are going to be mine. Sooner or later there is no where to hide. baby I always get my man and if you are on my list it is just a question of when…treat me like iam a bad girl even when i am being good to you you can just spank me…nothing’s like a good spanky, pls dont call the doctor cause there is nothing wrong with me…seems I played the game for much too long never got to sing my song for you. In the game of love you payed your dues. I was not your woman I was not your friend but you gave me something to remember, I hear you still say love yourself and I was back in business…more is better, what can you lose? Now I am following you cause I am crazy for you. Straight the pose, Vogue…let your body move to the music, it makes no difference if you are black or white, if you are a boy or a girl….you can do it…get up on the dancefloor. Poor is the man whose pleasure depends on the permission of another. Love me thats right love me. Iam open and ready for you to justify my love. It gives me hope that they could be a person that loves me…rescue me, I am drowing baby throw out your rope. Your love has given me hope. Love is understanding, its hard to beleive, life can be so demanding…rescue me. I beleive in the power of love, I beleive that you can rescue me.

I’ll never be an angel, I ‘ll never be a saint its true, I am too busy surviving….a little up and down its all about survival. Well if you give me respect then you know what to expect.

Things hasnt been the same since you came into my life you found a way to touch my soul and I’ll never ever let it go…happiness lies in your own hand it took me much too long to understand…until your shared your secret with me. Until I learned to love myself I was never loved by anyone else. Express yourself dont repress yourself…Love tried to welcome me…lets get unconscious honey, today is the last day that I am using words…there are going to lose their meaning.

Take a bow, this masquerade is getting older, I’ve always been in love with you i guess you’ve always know it s took my love for granted the show is over say goodbye. Take a bow. You deserve an award for the role that you played.

you think I cant go on another day you think I have nothing without you by myside…you’ll see somehow some day…You think that you destroy my faith and love, you think after all you have done I’ll never find my way back home…all by myself I dont need anyone at all I know I’ll survive I know I’ll stay alive…oh on my own I dont need anyone this time it will be mine no one can take it from me…you’ll see. You think that you are strong but you are weak it takes more strengh to cry, admit defeat.. I have truth on my side you only have deceit…

This used to be my playground,  this used to be the place I run to whenever I was in need of a friend why did it have to end? and why do they always say no regrets, but I wish you were here with me…I can see your face in a secret place. You are not just a memory, say goodbye to yesterday these are words I never say. Dont look back, because life is short and before you know you are feeling old and your heart is breaking dont hold on to the past its not too much to ask. The best thing in life are always free. Wishing you were here with me.

Dont cry for me Arentina, the truth is I never left you, all through my wilds days, my mad existence, I kept my promise, dont keep your distance.

I traded fame for love without a second thought it all became a silly game some things can not be bought I got exactely what I asked for wanted it so badly…I suffered fools so gladly and now I found I’ve changed my mind. The face of you my subsitute for love, should I wait for you my subsitute for love, travelled round the world, looking for a home…I’ve never felt so happy. We are going to swim to the other shore.She got herself a universe and I feel like I just got home, quicker than a ray of light. Do I know you from somewhere? Put your hand on my skin, kiss me I am dying, put your hand on my skin, I close my eyes I need to make a connection, I am walking on a thin line. why do you leave me wanted more? why do all the thing I say sounds like the stupid things I said before…nothing really matters, everything changed, because of you, love is all we need, everything I give you all comes back to me. Something is ending and something begins. Sky fits heaven so fly it…I am travelling down this road watching the sign as I go I think I follow my heart it is a very good place to start. You only see what your eyes want to see how can life be what you wanted to be you are frozen when your heart is not open. You waste your time with hate and regrets. You’re frozen when your heart is not open. Now there is no point in placing the blame and you should know I suffer the same. Love is a bird, she needs to fly, let all the hurt inside of you dies…if i could melt your heart we’ll never be apart. Give yourself to me, you are the key.

Your heart is not open so I must go, the spell has been broken, I loved you so freedom comes when you learn to let go, creation comes when you learn to say no, you were my lesson I had to learn. I was your fortress you had to burn..pain is a warning that something is wrong. There is no greater power than the power of goodbye.

To have and not to hold, so hot and yet so cold my heart is in your hand and yet you never stay to close to me to have my way. And yet you never do anything to make me want to stay. I’ve been told you’re to have not to hold. To look but not to see. Only I am to blame, what can I do? I run straight to you.

Hey DJ put a record on I wanna dance with my baby, Music makes the people comes together…music makes the bourgoisie and the rebel come together: Impressive instant!

It doesnt pay to be a run away lover, it doesnt pay to give away what you like you never  get your money back.

This guy was meant for me and I was meant for him…many miles many roads I have travelled falling down on the way leading up to today…This guy has cried for me and I have cried for him. I have no regrets there’s nothing to forget all the pain was worth it, not running from the past try to do my best know that I deserve it.

It’s amazing what a boy can do I can not stop myself…I feel so sad what I did wasnt right I feel so bad and I must say to you sorry but nobody’s perfect what did you expect? I am doing my best.

Don’t tell me to stop, tell the rain not to drop tell the wind not to blow cause you say so…dont you ever tell me to stop, please don’t tell me to stop. Girs can wear jeans cut their short…you’d love to know what it feels like for a girl…

I ‘ve been so down down to the ground I was so blind I could not see your paradise is not for me ,let it go its not my thing, walk away I wont be broken again I wont fall apart, dream away your life dream away your dreams.. Why should I feel sad for what I’ve never had? Turn to stone lose my faith I’ll be gone before it happens.

A long long time ago, I can still remember how that music use to make me smile and  I knew that if I had my chance I could make these people dance and maybe they would be happy for awhile…

Did you write the book of love and do you have faith in God above if the bible tells you so? Now do yo beleive in rock and roll and can music saves your mortal soul and can you teach me how to dance real slow…I start singing bye bye Mr American Pie …

Time goes by so slowly for those who wait…hung up Iam hunging up on you…no time to hesitate…those who run seem to have all the fun. It’s all an illusion theres too much confusion. down in your heart find the secret baby we can do it we can do it all right. Do you beleive in love at first sight…its all an illusion, I dont care! Can we get together? I really I really want to be with you.

I’ve heard it all before, I dont want to hear it I dont want to know please dont say that you are sorry and I can take care of myself. I’ve listened to all your lies and all your stories you are not half the man you’d like to be. Please dont say forgive me. Dont explain yourself cause talk is cheap there are more important things to do than hear you speak.

I dont like cities but I love New York. Others places make me feel like a dork. Now I can tell you the place that I belong, it wont be long… let it be, just let it be, wont you let it be? Just watch me burn, oh let it be, just let it be, wont you let it be and it will be.

Forbidden love, just one smile on your face was all it took to change my fortune, just one word from your mouth is all I needed to be certain…they live in a different kind of world.

I havent got much time to waste its time to make my way, are you ready to jump, dont ever look back! The only thing you can depend on is your family.

How high, how much fortune can you make? its funny I’ve spent my whole life wanted to be talked about…was it all worth it? nobody’s perfect I guess I deserve it.

Staring up to the heavens would you sacrifice your comfort? Can you hear what they are saying? will you ever be the same?

You push me to go the extra mile, you push me only you and no one else, you push me when I stumble and when I fall…Like it or not…you can call me a sinner you can call me a saint…put me up on a pedestral or drag me down in dirt…I’ll be the garden you’ll be the snake…better the devil that you know…because this is who I am you can like it or not cause I’m never going to stop…Life is a paradox and it doesnt make much sense. Your love for me will grow. You can love me or leave me cause I am not going to stop.

Shall I change my name  and I am going to be a star? everybody comes to Hollywood they want to make it in the neighbor-hood…how can it hurt you when it looks so good? Cause I use to live in a fuzzy dream and I wanted to be like the pretty people…I am so stupid cause I use to live in a fuzzy dream and I use to beleive in the pretty pictures that were all around me…and now I know I was so stupid…it was just a dream and it wont protect me. I’ve had so many lives since I was a child and I realise how many times I’ve died…no one is telling you how to live your life but its a set up until you are fed up… its so hard to find someone to admire. Now Iam gonna try to improve my life. Nobody knows me like you know me.

I am in love with you you silly thing anyone can see…it was not a chance meeting feel my heart beating…you are the one…you could take all this, I’d still have it all..i’d climb the tree of life, no more scared if I fall, nothing fails, no more fears, you washed away my tears…I am not religious but I feel so move makes me wanna pray. I’ve got to save my baby because he makes me cry I have to make him happy I have to teach him how to fly. I want to save his life. And I know that love will change us for ever. I am not myself standing in the crowd.. I am not myself right now, Jesus Christ would you look at me, I dont know who I am suppose to be. I am gonna wake up, iam gonna keep the secret…I guess I’ll die another day. I want the good life but I dont want an easy ride what I want is to work for it fell the blood and sweat on my fingertips thats what i want for me. I want to find my place breath the air I go round and round in circle I can see a clearer picture…and I am home. Come into my store I have candy delor and turkish delight and baby some more. Time is waiting, dont hesitate, we only got 4 min to save the world. What are you waiting for, nobody is going to show how…if its against the law arrest me…give it to me, yeah, no one is going to stop me now…once i get going iam gone i keep it going all night long you know i feel it in my heart beat…I just woke up from a dream, all my dreams they fade away I will never be the same, you always love me more when I am miles away…so far away… you always have the biggest heart when we are 6000miles apart those 3 words are never enough.

I should have seen the sign right back then…she is not me…and she never will be…it wont be the same.

It just one of those things, cant get my head around I need to think about it…I want to go back to then, when everything is incredible cause life is beautiful.

On and on the beats goes on you dont have the luxury of time you have to say whats on your mind. Say what you like, do what you feel, the time is right now, you’ve got to decide. Get down, bip bip! On and on, I cant keep waiting for you. Move your body, everybody is watching, I just want to give you more…you dont have to be beautiful to be understood, you dont have to be rich and famous to be good…lets dance tonight.

Sinorita, I just want to fall in love, if you love my style I can love you for awhile.

As quiet as it is tonight you almost can think that you are safe…I barely couldnt recognise…its like over and over…I keep on coming back for more…even the devil wouldnt recognise you, I do.

Oh my God I am hardy sorry for having offending thee…it’s so hypnotic…its so erotic this feeling can be beat…here it comes…like a girl gone wild girls they just want to have some fun..Like a fish out of water i am scared cant you tell bang bang shot you dead..i thought you were good…bang bang shoot you dead…i love you the most but i was just keeping my ennemies close…bang bang shot your dead, shot my lover in the head and i have no regrets…now drive bitch i said drive bitch now if you are going to act like a bitch you’re going to die like a bitch.

I am addicted to your love, MDNA, MDNA, I am addicted to your love…when the world starts to get you down and nothing seems to go your way…makes you feel like you are going insane….turn up the radio, dont ask me where I want to go, you’ve got to turn up the radio. Nothing is never what it seems. I am so tired of playing this game. Turn up the Radio. I just want to get in my car…dont ask me how I feel, dont have a choice, I’ve got to turn up the radio…LUV MADONNA…give it another space another time you could be my lucky star…give me all your love, you have all the LUV now it’s up to the YOU…every record sound the same you have to step into my world. Give me all your love TODAY.

Some girls make it seem …you are my superstar love the way that you are oulalala…I am your biggest  fan thats true…

I dont give a…Iam going to be ok I dont care what the people say…and if you have a problem I dont give a …I dont give a F…I am a businesswoman…There is only ONE QUEEN and that is MADONNA.

I am a sinner I like it that way…saint sebastian dont you cry…how come you can see all that you need is here with me. Hold me like your money, tell me that you want me, love me like your money, spend your love on me.

It seems to me thats what you are, and Iam right by your side like a thief in the night and I cant tell you why it hurts so much to be in love with a masterpiece. It cant always be fun to be the chosen one. And I cant tell you why it hurts so much to be in love with a masterpiece, cause after all nothing is indestructible…and I am right by your side like a thief in the night…and i cant tell you why it hurts so much to be in love with a masterpiece.

When I move a certain way I feel a certain ache I kept at bay…and then I m free, free of mind…I am falling free.

You are a beautiful killer, you can call my name and I will be around…maybe I let you shoot me down cause you are a beautiful killer…what happens now I need to know how the story goes, are we together? You are beautiful killer but you’ll never be Alain Delon.

I fucked up…I am sorry I am not afraid to say..I am so ashamed you are in so much pain…I could have just kept my big mouth close, I fucked up I made a mistake, nobody doest it better than myself…I wish I could take it back but I cant.

I miss your brain the way you think but I dont miss the way you use to drink…you always say we would be better off as friends… Still I have no regrets cause I survive the biggest test, I can not lie and I wont pretend but I feel like I’ve lost my very best friend. It is so sad that it has to end.

Have I see you somewhere before, you look familiar, you wanna dance? Come join the party, lets get started…If it makes you feel good then I said just do it I dont know what you are waiting for…put your arms around me, an invitation to the dance of life, its a celebration, no more hesitation, come join the party, its a celebration, evreybody wants to party with you. Lets get this started, come join the party, it’s a celebration, no more hesitation. Boy, you’ve got it, its a CELEBRATION!



MDNA concert in Hyde Park rocked 😉

My present for you is my book The Berber kiss. I hope you will like it.

Samia Bentayeb

Et vos messages Facebook :

Elle a tracé ma vie depuis plus de 25 ans merci à toi Madonna tu es la reine et tu restes pour moi une icone dans ma vie joyeux anniversaire merci de nous faire vibrer de ta présence sur toutes les scènes du monde entier je t’aime

Eric Blondel

Plus de 25 ans que tu nous enflammes et nous fais vibrer via ta musique aussi forte belle épanouissante à désir bravo joyeux anniversaire the queen of pop kisssssssssssssss

Titeux Daniel

Ma première fois, c’était sur Holiday en 1984… 28 ans après, c’est la seule que je starise comme un vrai fan, elle me fait vibrer… C’est pour moi la reine incontestée de la pop… J’espère qu’elle continuera encore longtemps, car moi je serai toujours présent… Happy birthday MADONNA…

Christophe Martinet

Tu es dans mon coeur depuis tes 1ères notes, ta musique a enflammé mon coeur le temps de mes 1ers amours de jeunesse, et 25 ANS apres tu enflammes mon coeur avec l’homme de ma vie. Alors tant que tu seras la je tiendrai. J’aimerais tellement pouvoir te rencontrer. Je te souhaite un joyeux anniversaire et un excellent spectacle. KISS

Géraldine Loyer

Joyeux anniversaire Madonna.

J’avais 13 ans quand j’ai commencé a connaître ton travail d’artiste (album Ray Of light). Je suis remonté dans le temps pour voir ce que tu as fait, puis je n’ai pas arrêté de te suivre toutes ces années…

Par ton travail et ta vie, tu as su me donner le goût à la musique et à l’art. Ton caractère m’a donné de la force : je voulais être comme toi, pouvoir être fier, marcher la tête haute et dire ce que je pense.

Ton symbole m’a donné la force d’assumer mon homosexualité,

J’ai parfois l’impression que tu es ma meilleure amie, celle qui sait me comprendre et Qui me donne envie d’aller de l’avant.

Ta musique est un don du ciel pour moi, ta vie personnelle est un exemple (même si je ne te suis pas pour la kabbale, mais je respecte tes croyances).

Merci pour tout Madonna , et comme cadeau d’anniversaire, i give you all my Love ♥

Quentin Valenti

Many years ago happy bday m

Alan Rohwer


Peau d’ange

C’est très beau ces messages d’amour. Je suis très ému de lire tout ça. C’est pareil pour moi. Elle est très importante pour moi depuis Like A Virgin. Et sans elle je n’aurais plus de repères. J’aimerais tellement qu’un jour on puisse faire une ronde autour d’elle et lui chanter tout notre amour et la voir émue devant notre admiration devant son talent.

Vincent (Arras)

Bonne fête ma chère tu es exeptionnelle à mes yeux, une femme avec un grand coeur je t’aime beaucoup Madonna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Josee Labbe

Bon anniversaire à toi, Madonna, je te suis depuis le début mon premier cd c’était The Immaculate Collection, il n’y a pas un jour où je ne t’écoute j’ai besoin de ça, tu es très importante dans ma vie, la tienne m’a toujours inspiré pour tout, mon courage et la force c’est toi qui me l’inspire, tu es belle et la plus grande à mes yeux, sincèrement.

Thierry Sottiaux

Madonna heureux anniversaire à toi. Tu es mon idole de toujours.

Fabrice Capelle

Bon anniversaire Madonna je T’aime depuis tes débuts et t’aimerai quoi que les gens disent de toi xox

Clodia Soleil

Bon anniversaire Madonna, je voulais te dire que tu es mon idole preferée, je t’adore ♥

Vero Pertuis’t


Bon anniversaire Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone, depuis un bail nous sommes sur la même longueur d’onde question musique. J’admire ta carrière musicale, à chaque concert tu me fais passer une agréable soirée et on se retrouve entre fans. Tu es une très grande Queen de la musique et ton métier tu le fais à la PERFECTION. Un MERCI pour le plaisir que tu me donnes en musique. Je t’adore et vive toi Madonna.

Ferooz Sabfe

J’ai découvert Madonna pour la première fois en voyant le clip Material Girl, j’avais 10 ans j’en ai 38! c’est depuis ce jour là que je suis devenue fan! merci à cette grande dame! ♥♥

Séverine Formantin

Happy Birthday !!!’

W Paul Rivera

Happy Birthday ♥

Sahar Asadi

Happy Birthday ♥♥

Laurine Honoré

Happy birthday my queen

André Plume

B-Day 2U MDNA xxx

Aj Campeau

Joyeux anniversaire The Queen Of Pop tu es la meilleure continue 🙂 tu es mon idole et un exemple pour moi, sur ce joyeux anniversaire !!!!! :-)))

Florian Lecailliez

Un bon et heureux anniversaire à ma Madonna, bise

Lydia Jac Messa


Gérald Blackestrellas

Joyeux anniversaire 🙂

Clement’s Man Fatale

Bonne Fête Madonna xx

Tony Roy

Joyeux Anniversaire, pleins de bonnes choses, un méga show à Nice et pleins de bisous. XO

Géraldine Auguste

Un bon et joyeux anniversaire à notre star adorée MADONNA ♥

Patricia Lovely-Maddy

Happy birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie Babu

Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Evanescente Vanessa Featuring Flipper


Xavier Kings Miller

Happy birthday to the only QUEEN….

Christophe Hengen

Happy birthday…la reine…

Olivier Muller

Joyeux anniversaire! Que de belles choses pour notre Queen et encore de longues années à nous faire rêver !!!

Sandra Briand

Long live the Queen: still fucking Hot!!!! Happy birthday our Goddess!!!!

PY Darling

Happy Birthday Madonna xxx

Laetitia Gérolt

Happy birthday the qu’en, I love tout m’y pop stars…

La reine joyeux anniversaire…

Stéphanie Steffy


Elena Caneva

Happy Birthday = Bonne fête !!!!!!

Josée Petit

Joyeux anniversaire à ma chéwiiieeee ♥♥♥ !!!

David Elblabla

Joyeux anniversaire ma reine ! KISS

Zitoune Baobab

Joyeux anniversaire the Queen ♥♥♥ Love you forever!

Laurent Slavo

Joyeux anniversaire la plus grande star de la planète! On se voit mardi à Nice !! So Nice!!

Delphine Saint-Orens

Envoyé par…Med-Jay Paris

Dernière mise à jour le 2024-05-18 / En tant que Partenaire Amazon, nous réalisons un bénéfice sur les achats remplissant les conditions requises. / Images de l'API Amazon Partenaires

3 Résponses to “MADONNA’s Birthday : Un Anniversaire Nommé Amour…”

  1. grangeon dit :

    happy birthday Madonna je te suis depuis mon adolescence et chaque album est un univers different de tubes et de look tres reussis merci tout simplement ;tes concerts sonts d ‘une grande creativité par leur mise en scene ,rytme ,danses ;costumes etc thank you so much you are the best gregory le puy en velay france

  2. Bubulle dit :

    Bon anniversaire Madonna merci pour ta musique tu restera la reine a jamais

  3. Au nom de toutes les personnes présentes sur la page, les admins :

    Un bon anniversaire Madonna, en espérant que tu puisses nous comprendre!

    Bien sincèrement!

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